Complete list of books in the BNHG Collection:
A Guide to Historical Map Resources for Greater New York, Jeffry A. Kroessler
A Threshold in the Sun, Lloyd Morris
A True History of Riverside Drive, Clarence True
Black Politics in New York, Edwin R. Lewinson
Bricks and Brownstone: The New York Rowhouse, Charles Lockwood
Central Park: A History and a Guide, Henry Hope Reed and Sophia Duckworth
Central Park: A Photographic Guide, Photographs Victor Laredo, Text Henry Hope Reed
Columbus Avenue Magazine (Collection)
Greenwich Village: A Photographic Guide, Edmund Thomas Delaney & Charles Lockwood & George Roos
Heaven on the Hudson: Mansions, Monuments, and Marvels of Riverside Park, Stephanie Azzarone
Manhattan Moves Uptown: An Illustrated History, Charles Lockwood
Manhattanville: Old Heart of West Harlem, Eric K. Washington
Matinee Tomorrow: Fifty Years of Our Theater, Ward Morehouse
New York 1880, Stern, Guilmartin, Massengale
New York 1900, Stern, Guilmartin, Massengale
New York 1930, Stern, Guilmartin, Massengale
New York: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, text by Dore Ashton
New York City Landmarks Commission Designation Reports:
Manhattan Avenue Historic District Designation Report, May 15, 2007
Riverside Drive-West 80-82 Streets Historic District Designation Report, 1985
Riverside-West End Historic District Designation Report, December 19, 1989
Riverside-West End Historic District Extension 1 Designation Report, June 26, 2012
Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District Designation Report, Vol. 1. April 24, 1990
Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District Designation Report, Vol. II Building Entries
Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District Designation Report, Vol. III: Building Entries
Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District Designation Report, Vol IV: Photographs
West 71 Street Historic District Designation Report, 1989
West End-Collegiate Historic District Designation Report, 1984
West End Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report, June 25, 2013
New York in the Forties, Andreas Feininger
New York's Legal Landmarks: A Guide to Legal Edifices, Institutions, Lore, History and Curiosities on the City’s Streets, Robert Pigott
New York Panorama, Introduction, Alfred Kazin
On the Town in New York, Michael and Ariane Batterberry
Pax Cultural: Nicholas Roerich, Nicholas Roerich Museum
Perspectives on the Collections of the New-York Historical Society, (no author noted)
The Columbia Historical Portrait of New York, John A. Kouwenhoven
The Empire City, Alexander Klein
The Face of New York: The City As It Was and As It Is, Andreas Feininger
The Greatest Street in the World: Broadway, Stephen Jenkins
The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol.1-6, I.N. Phelps Stokes
The New York Chronicle (Magazine Collection)
The Skyscraper, Paul Goldberger
Who Needs Parks, Baruch Katz
Upper West Side Story, Peter Salwen
Donated to the Bloomingdale Neighborhood History Group in 2018
Goldberger, Paul. The Skyscraper. New York: Knopf, 1982
(A history of the skyscraper, extending beyond New York City, with many
Lockwood, Charles. Bricks and Brownstone: The New York Row House, 1783-1929, An
Architectural & Social History. New York: McGraw Hill, 1972
(A detailed work containing many illustrations.)
Stern, Robert A. M., Gregory Gilmartin, and John Massengale. Stern, Gilmart, New York
1900: Metropolitan Architecture and Urbanism 1890-1915. New York: Rizzoli,
(A substantial, detailed work embracing city planning and transportation
as well as architecture, with chapters on different types of buildings, as
well as neighborhoods including the West End and Morningside Heights.)
Sturgis, Russell. The City House. [The East and South.] [“Vol VII.--74”].
(An article cut out of an unnamed journal. It dwells on typical
floorplans of houses in several cities, taking an unfavorable view of New York’s.)
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
Smith, James Ruell. Springs and Wells of Manhattan and Bronx. New York: New-York
Historical Society, 1938
(The author photographed and investigated the springs and wells at the turn of
the 20th century.)
Guides and Maps
Kelley, Frank Bergen. Excursion Planned for the City History Club of New York, No. VII--
New York City, South of Wall Street New York: City History Club, 1898
Kroessler, Jeffrey A. A Guide to Historical Map Resources for Greater New York
Chicago: Speculum Orbis Press, 1988 [signed by the author]
Miller, J. The 1866 Guide to New York City New York: Schocken Books, 1975
(A paperback reprint of New York As It Is: or Stranger’s Guide-Book to the cities
of New York, Brooklyn and adjacent Places: comprising notices of Every Object
of Interest to Strangers; including public buildings, churches, hotels, places of
amusement, literary institutions, etc. With numerous illustrations.
Salwen, Peter. Riverside Drive: The First 101 Years. Two Dollar Tour, 1981.
(A folding self-guided tour map, covering the drive from West 72nd Street to
Tiemann Place. Five copies. )
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
True, Clarence. A True History of Riverside Drive. New York: Press of Unz & Co, 1899
Reprinted by the Far West 77th Street Block Association, 1974
Taurenac, John. Culture Bus Loop 1, Manhattan. 1973
(A small booklet full of information on numerous sites of interest on the west
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
Washington, Eric K. Manhattanville: Old Heart of West Harlem. Charleston: Arcadia,
(A pictorial history, with correspondence between the author and Peter
Salwen interleaved)
A Guide to New York City Landmarks (1978 booklet)
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
Visitors Guide to New York (folding map distributed by the New York Convention &
Visitors Bureau, 1956)
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
Central Park Is… (folding map)
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
See also: “Landmark Preservation”
Landmark Preservation
A Guide to New York City Landmarks (1978 booklet)
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
Mendelssohn, Joyce. New York Landmarks Conservancy 1973-1998: 25 Years of
Preserving New York. New York: New York Landmarks Conservancy, 1998
(A detailed booklet with many photographs.)
Pyke, Jr, John S. Landmark Preservation, second edition. New York: Citizens Union
Research Foundation, 1972 (first published 1969)
(A more general treatment of preservation, including New York examples.)
Landmark West “Saving the Best of the West” Newsletter Fall 1990
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
Federal Writers’ Project. New York Panorama: The Best of 1930s New York New York,
Pantheon Books, 1984
(A fascinating collection of detailed articles on New York by authors
employed by the Works Progress Administration during the Great
Depression. Originally published 1938.)
Klein, Alexander, editor. The Empire City: A Treasury of New York. New York and
Toronto: Rinehart and Company, 1955
(“All the best ever written about New York”)
Wilson, Rufus Rockwell, and Otilie Erickson Wilson. New York in Literature: The Story
Told In The Landmarks of Town and Country. Elmira: Primavera Press, 1947
(This book takes New York City and its environs neighborhood by
neighborhood, town by town, telling of literary events and notables
associated with each.)
See “Guides and Maps”
Morris, Lloyd. A Threshold in the Sun. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1943
By the author of Incredible New York
Thaw, Harry K. The Traitor. Philadelphia: Dorrance and Company, 1926
Karp, Walter. The Central Park, an article from American Heritage, April/May Issue 1981
Reed, Henry Hope, and Sophia Duckworth. Central Park: A History and A Guide. New
York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc, 1967
Whitson, Skip, editor. New York City 100 Years Ago: Central Park Albuquerque: Sun
Books 1976
(“Assembled from Scribner’s 1873” with many etchings.)
Laredo, Victor, and Henry Hope Reed. Central Park: A Photographic Guide New York:
Dover Publications, 1979
Teel, Mary Lou, and Peter J. Kaplan. Riverside Park: The Past Present, & Future. New
York: Riverside Park Fund, 1987
Historical postcard of the Soldiers and Salors Monument, stamped with 1 cent stamp
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
Riverside Park Fund 1989/90 Annual Report
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items”
See also: “Guides” and “Photography”
King, Moses. King’s Notable New Yorkers 1896-1899. New York: Bartlett and Company,
Fosdick, Sina. Nicholas Roerich. New York: Nicholas Roerich Museum, 1964
A brief biography, with announcements, interleaved, of events
mounted by the museum in 1981
Feininger, Andreas, and Susan E. Lyman. The Face of New York: The City As It Was and
As It Is. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc, 1954
Feininger, Andreas, and John von Hartz. New York in the Forties. New York: Dover
Publications, 1978
Gillon, Jr., Edmund V., and Edward B. Watson. New York Then and Now. New York:
Dover Publications, 1976
Katz, Baruch, editor. Who Needs Parks? New York? 1975
(This commemorates a travelling exhibition of “The Riverside Park Photography
Project,” photographs by 40 photographers in response to the proposal to build
the West Side Highway.)
Social History
Batterberry, Michael & Ariane. On The Town in New York. New York: Scribner’s, 1973
(“A history of eating, drinking, and entertainments from 1776 to the present”)
St Michael’s Church July 13, 1980 Bulletin
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
Atkinson, Brooks. Broadway. New York: Macmillan, 1974
(A history of Broadway theater beginning in 1900. Revised edition)
Morehouse, Ward. Matinee Tomorrow: 50 Years of Our Theater New York: Whittlesey
House, 1949
Program booklet from “The Circle” theater, Broadway and 60th Street, 1903-4
(“Refined Vaudeville”)
Filed in “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder
Columbus Ave: the Magazine of the Upper West Side, issues containing Peter Salwen’s
columns in the series “Change at 59th Street,” as follows:
October 1982: Flash and Fashion on Old Riverside Drive
November, 1982: A Boulevard Called Broadway
February, 1983: Central Park West
March, 1983: Doughty Dowager [West End Avenue]
April, 1903: Emerging Butterfly— Columbus Avenue
May, 1983: A Palace for the Muses [The Ansonia Hotel]
June, 1983: “L’Affaire” Gorki And Other Literary Excitements
July, 1983: West 67th Street: “The Street Beautiful”
September, 1983: West 76th: “An Aura Of The Past”
October, 1983: A Bouquet of Rogues: Some Upper West Side Ne’er Do Wells
November, 1983: Rascals & Plug Uglies: Some More Upper West Side
December, 1983: The Melody Makers: Upper West Siders Who Taught Broadway
to Sing
February, 1984: Harsenville: A Vanished West Side Hamlet
March-April, 1984: Isaac and Julia Rice: Just A Quiet West Side Couple
Mid Summer, 1984: Rich Facades and Graceful Towers: West Side Churches
From The Age of Opulence
The New York Chronicle (a quarterly devoted to New York City history)
Volume 1 Number 1 (undated— 1987)
Volume 2 Number 4 1988
Volume 3 Number 2 Winter 1989
Volume 5 Number 1 Summer 1991
Volume 5 Number 3 Spring/Summer 1992
Volume 6 Number 2 Summer 1993
Volume 8 Number 1 Summer 1995
Volume 8 Number 2 Fall/Winter 1995
Volume 8 Number 3 Winter 1996
Volume 8 Number 4 Spring 1996
Volume 9 Number 2 Fall 1996
Volume 10 Number 1 Fall/Winter 1997
Volume 10 Number 3 Summer 1998
Volume 11 Number 1 Winter 1999
Volume 12 Number 1 Spring 2000
Contents of the “Miscellaneous Small Items” folder:
A Guide to New York City Landmarks (1978 booklet)
Central Park Is… (folding map)
“The Circle” theater program, Broadway and 60th Street, 1903-4
(“Refined Vaudeville”)
Columbus Avenue Business Improvement District Map & Guide (64th to 83rd Streets,
Historical postcard of the Soldiers and Salors Monument, stamped with 1 cent stamp
Landmark West “Saving the Best of the West” Newsletter Fall 1990
Riverside Park Fund 1989/90 Annual Report
Salwen, Peter. Riverside Drive: The First 101 Years. Two Dollar Tour, 1981.
(A folding self-guided tour map, covering the drive from West 72nd Street to
Tiemann Place. Five copies.)
St Michael’s Church July 13, 1980 Bulletin
Sturgis, Russell. The City House. [The East and South.] [“Vol VII.--74”].
(An article cut out of an unnamed journal. It dwells on typical
floorplans of houses in several cities, taking an unfavorable view of New York’s.)
Taurenac, John. Culture Bus Loop 1, Manhattan. 1973
(A small booklet full of information on numerous sites of interest on the west
Visitors Guide to New York (folding map distributed by the New York Convention &